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The following campaign was launched on January 20, 1999 to support a resolution introduced by Congressman John Engel of New York. The resolution, HCON 13, would direct the president to use military force in response to the Serb assault on Racak in Kosovo, leaving 45 civilians massacred.



Call your representatives in Washington. Demand support for House Concurrent Resolution 13 (HCON 13) introduced by Congressman Engel calling for air strikes in response to massacre in Racak on January 15, 1999.


Your outrage must be heard in Washington. Call you Representatives and demand an immediate military response to the Serb massacre of 45 civilians in Racak. The activation order for air strikes issued by NATO in October is still in effect. Milosevic has abrogated every agreement he made when faced with air strikes three months ago. To delay a military response now will only further convince Milosevic that the international community, the Security Council, and NATO have no resolve to stop the escalation of violence against civilians in Kosovo.

While many claim that the KLA has also broken the cease fire and used the intervening time to procure weapons, we must continue to remind our representatives that it is Milosevic who is responsible for the existence of the KLA. It is Milosevic who has broken dozens of international agreements since 1991. It is Milosevic who is responsible for three major military conflicts in the Balkans and the economic ruin of much of the region. It is Milosevic who is responsible for the current lack of progress throughout the Balkans in bringing key war crimes suspects to trial. And now it is Milosevic who once again is responsible for the death of scores of civlians.

HCON 13, introduced by Representative Engel from New York, states that Serbia-Montenegro has failed to comply with the Holbrooke-Milosevic agreement of October 13, 1998, and other international obligations; and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) should implement its activation order of October 12, 1998, which authorizes and prepares alliance air forces to compel Serbia-Montenegro to comply with the Holbrooke-Milosevic agreement and other international obligations.

His office is specifically seeking support from Republican Representatives to make this a bipartisan effort.

If there is going to be any military action, the administration must believe there is public support. Your phone call will make a difference.

All members of Congress can be reached at: 202-225-3121 or

U.S. House of Representatives
Washington DC 20510

Or visit for complete directory of all members of Congress, committees, and the Senate.


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Tel: 978-461-0909, Fax: 978-461-2552/ / email: